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RTS pIX4.0 Insect Vector


  • Regulatory elements for efficient transcription and translation
  • Multiple cloning site and translational stop codons in all reading frames
  • Optimized untranslated regions stabilizing and protecting RNA from degradation by exonucleases
  • RNA of defined length via optional plasmid linearization


  • Cloning genes for efficient synthesis of proteins using the RTS 100 Insect kits

Purchase RTS pIX4.0 Insect Vector

Availability: In stock Bulk requests please inquire at

Catalog # Size Package Content Price* Qty
BR1400901 1 vector 25 µg pIX4.0 Insect Vector

*Does not include applicable tax, shipping & handling, or other charges.


The RTS pIX4.0 Insect Vector is designed for cloning genes into its multiple cloning site. The vector contains efficient untranslated regions specific for the insect expression system, a T7 transcription promoter and additional elements allowing high-yield expression using the RTS 100 Insect Membrane and kits.

The RTS pIX4.0 Insect Vector offers efficient initiation of translation through a T7 promoter element combined with an optimized 3' untranslated region, a T7 terminator, and an optimally positioned linearization site. The expression template is added to the in vitro transcription or coupled transcription/translation reactions.

(former product codes: RiNA T-5102-01)


Protein tag

Tag from cloned gene

Expression kits

RTS 100 Insect Membrane Kit

Quality Control

in vitro transcription/translation protein expression products are manufactured using quality chemicals and materials that meet our high standards. All product components are subjected to rigorous quality assurance testing process:

  • Component testing: each component is tested to ensure the composition and quality meet stated specifications.
  • Performance testing: each product is tested to ensure it meets the stated performance specification.

A broad range of eukaryotic proteins require posttranslational modifications such as phosphorylation, glycosylation, or signal peptide cleavage to display full functional activity. The RTS pIX4.0 Insect Vector and the RTS 100 Insect Membrane kits as well as the RTS 100 Insect Disulfide kits provide the possibility to synthesize eukaryotic proteins with post-translational modifications and are therefore of special importance for expression and analysis of human proteins with native structure and function.

An expression plasmid is added to an in vitro transcription mix of the RTS 100 Insect Membrane Kit and incubated. After incubation, the mRNA generated during transcription is either cleaned up using a mini gel-filtration column (supplied with the kit) or added directly to the in vitro translation reaction. After incubation, protein can be analyzed, e.g., by SDS-PAGE and western blotting. In contrast, in the RTS 100 Insect Disulfide kits transcription and translation are performed in parallel.

For detailed protocol, please, refer to the product manual (Related Documents).

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