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RTS 500 ProteoMaster E. coli HY Kit


  • Unique CECF technology to ensure high yields
  • Enable expression of toxic proteins that cannot be produced in vivo
  • Incorporation of labeled methionine into synthesized proteins


  • Optimized medium-scale, cell-free expression of up to 6 mg protein
  • Protein synthesis for NMR spectroscopy or X-ray crystallography

Purchase RTS 500 ProteoMaster E. coli HY Kit

Availability: In stock Bulk requests please inquire at

Catalog # Size Package Content Price* Qty
BR1400201 5 reactions of 1 ml Reagents for coupled transcription/translation reactions

*Does not include applicable tax, shipping & handling, or other charges.


The biotechrabbit RTS 500 ProteoMaster E. coli HY Kit is designed and optimized for the expression of up to 6 mg of protein from plasmid templates in highly efficient coupled transcription/translation reactions. This is achieved by utilizing a biochemically enhanced high-yield (HY) E. coli lysate and the RTS 500 CECF reaction device.

Due to preparative expression yields, the RTS 500 Proteo-Master E. coli HY Kit is suited for the production of protein for NMR spectroscopy or X-ray crystallography. The kit design allows to use amino-acid mixtures of your choice. Methionine (included in the kit separately from other amino acids) can be easily substituted by selenomethionine (not included). Other amino acids can be exchanged by preparing tailored amino-acid mixtures using the RTS Amino Acid Sampler.

The RTS 500 ProteoMaster E. coli HY Kit is optimized for use in a thermomixer. The continuous agitation of the device guarantees optimal support of the CECF process, which is required for efficient protein expression.

(former product codes: RiNA N-1203-50, 5PRIME 2401500)


Proteins expressed

Standard soluble proteins
Membrane proteins

Reaction time / yield

6–24 h / 6 mg

Reaction mode



RTS pIX3.0 Vector
RTS pIVEX E. coli His-tag, 2nd Gen. V.

Quality Control

in vitro transcription/translation protein expression products are manufactured using quality chemicals and materials that meet our high standards. All product components are subjected to rigorous quality assurance testing process:

  • Component testing: each component is tested to ensure the composition and quality meet stated specifications.
  • Performance testing: each product is tested to ensure it meets the stated performance specification.

The RTS 500 ProteoMaster E. coli HY Kit is optimized for use in an Thermomixer in combination with the RTS 500 Adapter. The continuous agitation of the device guarantees optimal support of the CECF process, which is required for efficient protein expression.

For detailed protocol, please, refer to the product manual (Related Documents).

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