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Proteinase K


  • Exceptional purity suitable for the most sensitive applications
  • PCR-grade for highest performance
  • Stable lyophilizate


  • Nonspecific protein degradation
  • Nucleic acid purification
  • Deactivation of nucleases in enzymatic reactions

Purchase Proteinase K

Availability: In stock Bulk requests please inquire at

Catalog # Size Package Content Price* Qty
BR1100901 30 mg 30 mg Proteinase K, lyophilized
BR1100902 150 mg 5 × 30 mg Proteinase K, lyophilized
BR1101001 1.25 ml 1.25 ml Proteinase K
BR1101002 10 ml 10 ml Proteinase K

*Does not include applicable tax, shipping & handling, or other charges.


biotechrabbit™ Proteinase K is an active endopeptidase that is effective with native proteins, allowing endogenous RNases and DNases to be inactivated rapidly. The robust enzyme is stable over a wide pH range (4–12.5) and remains fully active for several hours when incubated at pH 6.5–9.5. The exceptional purity of the enzyme ensures that it is ideally suited for preparing PCR templates, as it is free of RNases, DNases and DNA.

biotechrabbit Proteinase K is available as an aqueous solution or lyophilized powder.



Proteinase K, lyophilized

Lyophilized powder (add 1.5 ml water)

Proteinase K, solution

~20 mg/ml solution in 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.5


Store lyophilised powder at 4°C or room temperature. Store solution at 4°C.

Quality Control
Protein Concentration

The protein concentration of soluble Proteinase K is analyzed by Biuret assay (20 mg, +/- 2 mg).

Protease activity

The activity is analyzed with hemoglobin as substrate at 37°C (>600 U/ml).

Absence of nuclease activity

The enzyme is tested for absence of endonuclease and nicking activities.

RNase contamination

The enzyme is tested for absence of RNase activity.

DNA contamination

The enzyme is tested for DNA (threshold 10 pg/mg).


The enzyme is tested for biodurden (<1 CFU/ml).

Useful Hints

The enzyme is not inactivated by metal ions, chelating agents (such as EDTA), sulfhydryl reagents, or trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors.

The Proteinase K activity is stimulated by denaturing agents (SDS and urea). The presence of SDS can produce a seven-fold increase in Proteinase K activity.

pH Optimum
Proteinase K is stable over a broad pH range (4 – 12.5). The enzyme retains its full activity for several hours when incubated at a pH between 6.5 and 9.5.

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