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LYO-ready T6 UvsX DNA Recombinase, 5 mg/ml


  • Low glycerol content for further use in lyophilization
  • Exceptional purity suitable for the most sensitive applications
  • T6UvsX DNA Recombinase excels in promoting DNA strand exchange


  • Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA)
  • Clonal amplification in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
  • Gene editing

Purchase LYO-ready T6 UvsX DNA Recombinase, 5 mg/ml

Availability: In stock Bulk requests please inquire at

Catalog # Size Package Content Price* Qty
BR1500201 100 µg 20 µl LYO-ready T6 UvsX DNA Recombinase
1.5 ml 10X Reaction Buffer I
BR1500202 500 µg 100 µl LYO-ready T6 UvsX DNA Recombinase
1.5 ml 10X Reaction Buffer I

*Does not include applicable tax, shipping & handling, or other charges.


biotechrabbit™ LYO-ready T6 UvsX DNA Recombinase is an enzyme originating from the T6 bacteriophage. This 44 kDa enzyme is the RecA/Rad51 ortholog of bacteriophage T6 and thus plays a crucial role in facilitating DNA recombination, a process where genetic material is exchanged or integrated between DNA molecules. Highly involved in homologous recombination, UvsX binds to single-stranded DNA regions, aiding in the accurate pairing and exchange of genetic material. This enzyme can be applied in genetic engineering, gene editing, and biotechnology, serving as a tool for manipulating DNA sequences and studying the recombination machinery.

The unique properties of this enzyme make it the best choice for employment in Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA), an isothermal DNA amplification method with broad applications such as diagnostics and clonal amplification in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). This protein is provided in a storage buffer containing 5 % glycerol, making it suitable for further use in lyophilization.

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