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PCR Grade Water


  • Ultrapure sterile filtrated deionized water
  • Prepared without the use of chemicals such as DEPC
  • DNase-, RNase- and Protease-free
  • Bioburden tested


  • Ready-to-use water for standard and enhanced PCR and qPCR
  • Buffer preparation and enzyme dilutions
  • All other molecular biology applications

Purchase PCR Grade Water

Availability: In stock Bulk requests please inquire at

Catalog # Size Package Content Price* Qty
BR1900301 15 ml 10 × 1.5 ml PCR Grade Water
BR1900302 300 ml 6 × 50 ml PCR Grade Water

*Does not include applicable tax, shipping & handling, or other charges.


biotechrabbit™ PCR Grade Water is ultrapure and sterile filtered deionized water prepared by a proprietary process without the use of chemicals such as DEPC (diethylpyrocarbonate). The water is free from DNase, RNase, protease and bioburdon contaminations, for use in PCR and all other molecular biology applications.



PCR Grade Water

Ultrapure sterile filtered deionized water.





Room temperature (unopened)

-20°C (until expiry date – see product label)

Quality Control
RNase activity

Absence of RNase activity was checked by incubation of RNA in PCR Grade Water at 37°C for 3 hours. No degradation detected.

DNase activity

PCR Grade Water was incubated with DNA fragments and Plasmid DNA for 14 – 16 hours at 37°C. Samples were checked on an agarose gel. No degradation detected.

Protease activity

A reference protein was incubated in PCR Grade Water for 3 days at 37°C. Samples were checked on a polyacrylamide gel. No degradation detected.


The number of viable aerobic microorganisms present in PCR Grade Water was tested using membrane filtration and incubation for 3-5 days. No growth detected.

PCR Recommended use
Prevention of PCR or reverse transcription contamination

When assembling the amplification reactions, care should be taken to eliminate the possibility of contamination with undesired DNA or RNA.

  • Use separate clean areas for preparation of samples and reaction mixtures and for cycling.
  • Wear fresh gloves. Use sterile tubes and pipette tips with aerosol filters for PCR or reverse transcription setup.
  • Use only water and reagents that are free of DNA and nucleases.
  • With every assay setup, perform a contamination control reaction that does not include template DNA or RNA.
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