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LYO-ready T4 UvsY Protein, 2 mg/ml


  • Mediator Protein for T4/T6 UvsX Recombinase
  • Low glycerol content for further use in lyophilization
  • Exceptionally pure Protein


  • Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA)
  • Mediation and stimulation of DNA dependent ATPase activity of UvsX Recombinase
  • Promotion of strand exchange
  • Facilitating the release of single stranded DNA - gp32 complex

Purchase LYO-ready T4 UvsY Protein, 2 mg/ml

Availability: In stock Bulk requests please inquire at

Catalog # Size Package Content Price* Qty
BR1500301 100 µg 50 µl LYO-ready T4 UvsY Protein
1.5 ml 10X Reaction Buffer I
BR1500302 500 µg 250 µl LYO-ready T4 UvsY Protein
1.5 ml 10X Reaction Buffer I

*Does not include applicable tax, shipping & handling, or other charges.


biotechrabbit™ LYO-ready T4 UvsY Protein plays a crucial part within the DNA recombination and the repair apparatus of the T4 bacteriophage. Originating from the T4 bacteriophage, this 16 kDa protein plays a fundamental role in expediting homologous recombination processes and enhancing the effectiveness of the DNA repair, as well as promoting the loading of the T4 pre-synaptic filament onto single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Through its interactions with pivotal recombination proteins, such as T4 and/or T6 UvsX Recombinase, T4 UvsY emerges as an indispensable element for upholding genome integrity and enabling genetic exchange.

This protein efficiently promotes the UvsX-catalyzed strand invasion by getting involved into ssDNA binding protein (SSB) complexes. The enzyme assists the release of the SSB and uplifts the binding of UvsX. This protein is provided in a storage buffer containing 0 % glycerol, making it suitable for further use in lyophilization.

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