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dNTP Sets


  • Exceptional quality dNTPs of >99% purity confirmed by HPLC
  • Free from DNA and PCR inhibitors
  • Consistent PCR results due to outstanding dNTPs stability


  • Standard or hot-start PCR
  • Long-range and high-fidelity PCR
  • cDNA synthesis and RT-PCR
  • qPCR
  • Sequencing
  • DNA labeling

Purchase dNTP Sets

Availability: In stock Bulk requests please inquire at

Catalog # Size Package Content Price* Qty
BR0600601 4 × 250 µl 250 µl dATP (100 mM solution)
250 µl dCTP (100 mM solution)
250 µl dGTP (100 mM solution)
250 µl dTTP (100 mM solution)
BR0600602 4 × 1 ml 1 ml dATP (100 mM solution)
1 ml dCTP (100 mM solution)
1 ml dGTP (100 mM solution)
1 ml dTTP (100 mM solution)

*Does not include applicable tax, shipping & handling, or other charges.


biotechrabbit™ deoxynucleotide triphosphates are first-choice nucleotides for all PCR applications, including the most demanding, such as amplification of long targets (up to 40 kb), GC-rich templates, qPCR, cDNA synthesis, high-fidelity PCR, DNA labeling and sequencing.

Advanced production technology ensures that deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates have >99% purity and outstanding stability, ensuring excellent performance and consistent, reliable results.

For the maximum flexibility, nucleotides are available in sets and mixes of common concentrations.




all dNTP Sets

Aqueous solution (pH 7.0) containing
2'-deoxy-nucleotide 5'-triphosphate sodium salts



−20°C (until expiry date – see product label)


Quality Control
Functional assay

Functionality tested in PCR.

Purity test

The concentration of each lot is verified by optical density spectrometry. The purity of nucleotide triphosphates is determined by HPLC. The minimum passing specification for the triphosphate content is 99%.

Contamination test

The absence of human and E. coli DNA is confirmed by qPCR.


Prevention of PCR contamination

When assembling the amplification reactions, care should be taken to eliminate the possibility of contamination with undesired DNA.

  • Use separate clean areas for preparation of samples and reaction mixtures and for cycling.
  • Wear fresh gloves. Use sterile tubes and pipette tips with aerosol filters for PCR setup.
  • Use only water and reagents that are free of DNA and nucleases.
  • With every PCR setup, perform a contamination control reaction that does not include template DNA.
Typical use of dNTPs
  • 0.2 mM of each nucleotide is the recommended final dNTP concentration in common PCR applications.
  • It is essential to have equal concentrations of all four dNTPs in the PCR mixture.
  • Every time before the use thaw and mix well each dNTP solution, especially highly concentrated ones.
  • To prepare on your own 1 ml dNTP mixtures of common 2 mM, 2.5 mM, 10 mM or 25 mM concentrations, follow the guidelines below:

1 ml Mix

100 mM dATP

100 mM dCTP

100 mM dGTP

100 mM dTTP


2 mM dNTP Mix:

20 µl

20 µl

20 µl

20 µl

920 µl

2.5 mM dNTP Mix:

25 µl

25 µl

25 µl

25 µl

900 µl

10 mM dNTP Mix:

100 µl

100 µl

100 µl

100 µl

600 µl

25 mM dNTP Mix:

250 µl

250 µl

250 µl

250 µl



  • Use the ready dNTP mixes in PCR (at 0.2 mM final concentration each) according to the guidelines below:

Volumes of dNTP mixes for the indicated PCR volume

dNTP Mix concentration

Used for PCR as

50 µl PCR

25 µl PCR

20 µl PCR

2 mM


5 µl

2.5 µl

2 µl

2.5 mM


4 µl

2 µl

1.6 µl

10 mM


1 µl

0.5 µl

0.4 µl

25 mM


0.4 µl

0.2 µl

0.16 µl


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